unexpected pregnancy

when you first realize you may be pregnant. you can’t change what has been done, no matter how badly you may want to.  you are pregnant. this is part of your story, forever. the next step is up to you.

get a pregnancy test and ultrasound. free at Tender Care. call either center you choose for an appointment.  ask for a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy.  your information is confidential, no one will know. everything is free.

at your appointment, you can expect to be greeted by a woman who will walk with you through the entire visit. discuss your concerns, share your situation, get a pregnancy test and be offered an ultrasound.  you will receive education about fetal development, pregnancy and how your body is changing.  you can ask any questions about pregnancy and your options.

you will be introduced to the sonographer.  you can ask her any questions you may have.  ultrasound will reveal how far along you are, if the pregnancy is where it should be and if there is a heartbeat. you will receive ultrasound pictures if you would like.  you will also have pregnancy verification to take along with you to any future doctor appointments.

if you experience an unexpected pregnancy, you may feel alone. like no one understands.  you may just want out, it’s not a good time. You may be afraid your parents will be mad or upset. You don’t want anyone to find out.  The father of baby may not be involved, or he may pressure you to make a choice.  No matter what, even though you didn’t think this would happen, here you are.

A woman at Tender Care has been right where you are now. there is help. get answers. #tendercarepregnancy #ultrasound #unexpectedpregnancy #pregnancy