Fund An Ultrasound

Did you know that $150 is all it takes to provide one ultrasound to a Tender Care client?

Ultrasound can…

  • Confirm it is a baby (not just cells)
  • Show there is a heartbeat (as early as 7 weeks pregnant)
  • Save a life!

From a client:

Sandra, a young mom with a toddler and a baby, found out she was pregnant again. She and her boyfriend discussed what they should do and planned to have an abortion if the pregnancy was early.

Sandra said, “I don’t think we could handle the expenses and stress of another baby right now. I lost my job, my boyfriend’s job has cut his hours, and we don’t know what the next few months will be like.”

She planned to take the abortion pill, to “just get rid of it”.

Sandra wanted an ultrasound to see how far along she was. “if its early enough and it doesn’t have a heartbeat, we figured it’s not really a baby yet.”

The client advocate spent a long time with Sandra explaining fetal development.  The ultrasound confirmed the details and revealed a baby with a heartbeat.

Sandra watched the screen. “I never realized it looked like a baby and that you can see an actual heartbeat this early. I have to go home and talk to boyfriend.”

Sandra and her boyfriend came back in a few weeks so he could see their baby.  He watched intently as the baby moved on the screen.  They left that day happy and excited.

They are now a family of five, and Sandra remains in contact. “it isn’t easy financially, but we are making it work.  I am thankful for my little one, and grateful for all that Tender Care does for us. From that first visit, to the support we received, and the ongoing help with diapers, clothing and baby supplies. Thank you. ”

Help us meet our goal of $52,500 allowing us to provide 350 ultrasounds this year!